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20s plenty

20 mph speed limit

October 2024 - no further update 

June 2024 (last updated 17 July 2024)

Update from Cllr Kevin Bentley

The 20mph for some roads in the village is still going through due process and as I warned, because of the legalities involved, it will take time. 

February 2024

20mph petition presented to County Councillor

The Chairman of the Parish Council, Gerald Ketley and Parish Clerk Petra Palfreyman recently presented a village wide petition for a 20mph speed limit for village roads to local County Councillor Kevin Bentley. 138 people have signed the petition and the formal process to investigate the possibility is now underway.

Evidence will now be gathered by Essex Highways to see if the limit is justified and if results of speed surveys comply then a full consultation with local residents will take place. Cllr Kevin Bentley will now hand the petition to the Cabinet Member responsible to add weight to the campaign.

February 2024

The petition resulted in 138 signatories in favour of the 20mph speed limit for some roads in the village.

Cllr Bentley was not available to attend our meeting on 10th January 2024 but we are making arrangements to hand the petition over to him soon.

November 2023

The next step for this is to start a petition, which is now out and about for circulation. Copies are available in The Whalebone, the Post Office/Church Green, the school, the village hall foyer, Fingringhoe Club and the church lobby. We also plan to knock door to door to involve people that cannot get to any of these places or have not heard about the campaign. If you would like to sign the petition in favour of the 20mph speed limits, and cannot access a petition, please contact the clerk. We hope to hand the petition over to Kevin Bentley, ECC Council Leader, at the January meeting on Wednesday 10th January 2024.

February 2023

Fingringhoe Parish Council and Essex County Council are currently looking at making the village a 20 mph zone. If implemented, this would only add a minute per mile to motorists’ journey times in Fingringhoe. A survey was given to every household in the village as well as the on line voting.

The survey closed on 28 February 2023

Thank you for everyone that voted, commented and emailed.  Unfortunately there were too many of you to individually respond to.  The result of the survey have been submitted to ECC Cllr Kevin Bentley.  ECC will now decide how to take this forward and consider the extent of the 20mph zones.  Many of you commented that you would like the speed limit all over the village and this has been advised to ECC who will make the final decisions, in consultation with the Council and the residents.

The results of the survey are below.

Survey results